It came with the house. It's about 6m x 3m and rests on an uneven concrete slab. It also came with some shelves (and the obligatory half empty paint cans). We have since added some ... er... other stuff...
We haven't yet unpacked all our boxes (I don't often turn on the light - that way I can't tell how much stuff I still have to sort out)...
Anyway the point of this post wasn't really to show off how much junk we can fit into a shed...but what I really want to do is set it up so that a) it's tidy and b) it's actually usable. I have visions of beer and wine bubbling away, shelves stacked with preserves and vegetables stored for use over the winter months.
But...there is so often a but isn't there...our shed has an inordinate number of red back spiders and who knows what other species of arachnids are out there hiding in wait in the dark corners. There are small gaps between the roof and the walls that while they don't really let in too much water, they do let in the cold (not to mention the above mentioned arachnids).
So today I'm asking for advice. I don't really want to get someone in to spray the spiders, but I would love a way to clear them out...I'm also wondering if it's possible to insulate the walls or, at the very least, cover the gaps with something to keep out the cold.
Do you have a shed? I'd love to see some ideas for sheds if anyone has links to any posts or blogs. One thing that continues to amaze me since I started reading blogs, is that when I start thinking about something, someone invariably writes about's almost uncanny.
So all thoughts and suggestions welcome.
I recognise this shed, I live in one exactly the same! We insulated the ceiling with thin polystyrene sheets, not the best environmental choice, but works well for the interim before we move into the house.
Red back spiders are killed and eaten by daddy long legs. Maybe a nice supply of more spiders in order to get rid of the less desirable type.
Best of luck!
By the way, love what you're doing!
Hi Linda,
We have plenty of the daddy long legs too...they don't seem to be doing their job!
Thanks for stopping much longer are you planning on living in the shed?
I'm saying Christmas, it's unrealistic, but it will see me through till Christmas.
We actually live in 2 of those sheds, a 23 foot caravan, and a bathroom about the same size again. It's warm and comfortable, still it will be a wonderful day when we move in.
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